Limba Romana

Language English


From idea to the key

Conimpex Holding consists of 3 companies which are working according to the Romanian’s Laws and according to the statute's stipulations.

CONSTRUCTIONS GROUP “BURIDAVA” was founded in 1994 as a shares company and registered under no. J40/24915/1994.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER “EUROBUSINESS” was founded in 2002 and registered under no. J40/4995/13.06.2002.
Conimpex Holding has unlimited duration, starting the day that was registered at The Commerce Register: August 1991 and December 1995.
The turnover is permanently increasing, and in the last 5 years this was around 18.000.000 EURO.

We can accomplish your requests in Bucharest and in 10 districts: Ilfov, Dambovita, Calarasi, Ialomita, Teleorman, Prahova, Valcea, Olt, Harghita, Covasna.
The mounting – construction activity is supported by strong production bases in Bucharest as well as in other towns where Conimpex Company has branches:
1. Production base from Bucharest that has approximately 25.000 m2 and includes:
● Production halls for metallic confections, armour confections, PVC and aluminium carpentry;
● Auto service hall;
● Metallic warehouses;
● Fuel stations;
● Station of extracting and sorting ballast-hole products;
● Polygon of prefabricated products;
● Offices and bedrooms;
● Canteen.

2. Production base from Slatioara, Valcea District;
3. Production base from Ramnicu-Valcea, Valcea District;
4. Production base from Vlahita, Harghita District – forester exploitation and frame saw for fir wood processing.